domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2016

REVEALED: Loch Ness Monster is 'an alien' - new theory on Scotland's mythical beast | Daily Star

Believers have previously thought Nessie is a prehistoric dinosaur called a plesiosaur which lurks beneath the murky waters of the Scottish Highlands.

But even monster hunters are sceptical to believe that a dinosaur could survive in the loch.

Monster hunter Jon Downes, a cryptozoologist who runs the UK-based Centre for Fortean Zoology in Devon, told Daily Star Online that there's no way the Loch Ness Monster could be a plesiosaur.

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"I don't think it can be what most people think it is"

Jon Downes

He claims the monster would have been sighted more often if it was an ancient dinosaur.

"If you think about it laterally, it's not an air breather, there's not enough water or space in Loch Ness and it doesn't come up on land to give birth. So I don't think it can be what most people think it is," he said.

"There aren't enough sightings of it."

So if Loch Ness isn't believed to be dinosaur, what could it be?

Giorgio Tsoukalos, an ancient astronaut theorist, asked the question if the Loch Ness Monster was from another planet in the H2 series In Search of Aliens in 2014.

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Tsoukalos, who believes the idea ancient alien astronauts interacted with ancient humans, said: "Maybe we are dealing with something more than just some large prehistoric creature."

He added: "What if the Loch Ness Monster isn't a monster at all but maybe, as some people have claimed, some kind of alien craft?"

He goes on to suggest with the help of Dr John Brandenburg, Professor of Physics at Madison College, that Loch Ness might be an alien gateway to allow spaceships to travel through.

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Dr Brandenburg claims a large amounts of quartz deposits, which are found around Loch Ness, potentially paving the way for a route into space.

He said: "You have enormous electromagnetic fields being generated. That means we can create, perhaps, a traversable wormhole."

And it gets even more bizarre when considering the number of UFO sightings around Loch Ness.

Holidaymakers snapped a photo showing two mysterious disc-shaped objects flying over the famous lake in the Scottish Highlands in 2015.

Alan Betts, the director of a refrigeration company in Bradford, said he was bewildered by the strange glowing white shapes hovering over the loch and was unable to find a rational explanation for the strange picture.

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On top of this it also emerged last year that a secret Scottish base for an international cult who believe Jesus was an alien set up a base in Scotland.

The Aetherius Society, founded in 1955 by George King, set up the base on a remote bank of Loch Ness.

Director Mark Bennett told The Herald newspaper: "Beings from other planets are the cornerstone of our beliefs. They want to help us.

"I love Loch Ness. We believe it has a special significance."

Meanwhile a creature has been spotted in the frozen waters of Canada which could be Nessie's icy cousin.

And a tourist recently claimed to have taken the clearest picture of the Loch Ness Monster to date.

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