miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2016

E.T. Phone Home? Video From Peru Service Station Security Camera Reportedly Shows Alien

The latest video to come out of the country is really freaking people out on the Internet is a grainy, jumpy image on camera of what some call an alien-like creature in the background at a service station in Peru. In it, there's a group of young men hanging out near a gas pump. At the edge of the frame, a small alien-like creature can be seen skulking around.

The men notice it and give chase before it disappears into the darkness.

It could simply be a trick of the light or a flat-out hoax, but when you consider the number of strange UFO sightings that there have been in Peru lately, it's hard not to assume the worst. What do you think? Me? I can't see anything.

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El Misterio del Meteorito de Carancas by HERWARTH RONALD MORALES CHUMACERO is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License.
Creado a partir de la obra en El Misterio del Meteorito de Carancas.