martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

Is this the real reason why we never return to the Moon? Shocking claim over what stops us

A growing conspiracy theory suggests the Moon is occupied by advanced aliens that have banned humans from returning.

The theory links in with others that claim there are alien bases on the dark side of the Moon.

In a feature devoted to the theory, conspiracy theory website Ancient Code said: "Have you ever asked yourself why mankind has not returned to the moon in recent years?

"According to many researchers and Ufologists, the American space agency is hiding a sinister secret from society, and we are not familiar with everything that has occurred - and is still occurring - on the surface of the moon.

"Many people claim there is enough evidence to suggest there are Alien bases on the moon.

"Rumors, declassified documents, and whistleblowers have come forward saying that agencies around the globe simply cannot afford to let society know what's really on the moon."

The theory suggests that NASA astronauts during the moon landings met with aliens, who eventually warned them not to return.

The website added: "The idea that there are alien bases on the moon would explain why we stopped so abruptly going to the moon.

"Also, with our current technology, why haven't we created a permanent manned outpost on the lunar surface?

"Wouldn't it be easier to build a permanent structure on the surface of the moon, than to have a floating space station orbiting around Earth?"

The far-fetched theory goes onto suggest aliens are mining the moon of its resources, and UFOs, that allegedly visit Earth, are stationed on the moon.

The late Dr Harold Urey investigated lunar science from the 1950s.

He claimed to be "terribly puzzled" by the rocks astronauts found on the moon and their Titanium content.

The samples contained Titanium, which no one could account for the presence of.

Scott C Waring, editor of, is a believer.

He said even claims to have found evidence of structures on the Moon in US Navy Archives.

In a blog today, he said: "I found these structures today.

"The structure above was the most fascinating to me. It's a long straight structure along what looks like a crater but is actually not.

"It's actually all one structure. No crater there, just structure.

"Hard to understand I know."

Ancient Code added: "But, is there really an alien base there? Well, I guess you can't know that but, is it a coincidence that there are some lunar rocks that have been found to contain PROCESSED METALS such as Brass, Uranium 236 and Neptunium 237?

"These elements have NEVER been found to occur naturally.

"Uranium 236 is a radioactive nuclear waste which is found in spent nuclear and reprocessed Uranium.

"More interestingly, Neptunium 237 is a radioactive metallic element and a by-product of nuclear reactors and the production of Plutonium."

domingo, 26 de febrero de 2017

World's Best Hometown Monsters

Here are 25 places to see yetis, sea monsters, Sasquatch, and other cryptids.

A "sea devil" from Icones animalium (1553). CONRAD GESSNER/PUBLIC DOMAIN

A cryptid is a creature whose existence, diplomatically put, cannot be proved or disproved by science. Cryptid lore tends to be less fantastical than ghost stories or fairytales, but not altogether believable. For some though, an unusual rockunexplained crop circles, a footprint, or some hair are all the evidence they need that there are creatures unknown to humanity, hiding in the woods.

In these places, tales of mysterious creatures have become so embroiled within local narrative that whether the beast actually exists or not doesn’t matter anymore. Can you imagine Loch Ness without its monster?


The Sasquatch, or as it’s colloquially known, Bigfoot, is America’s best known cryptid. It is typically depicted as a giant ape, standing around seven feet tall. Sasquatch lore extends back to American Indian mythology, which describes hairy wild men living in the woods. Anomalous sightings continued into the 20th century, but Sasquatch mania reached its peak following the famedPatterson-Gimlin tape.

Bigfoot is generally associated with the Pacific Northwest, with most sightings reported in Washington. Ape Canyon was the site in which a group of miners came under attack by a gang of wild “apemen” in 1924. According to the five miners, all of whom survived the incident and seemed convinced of its facts, they were asleep in their cabin when the assault started, and the beasts seemed out for blood. The event was widely publicized and no logical explanation was ever found.

Ape Canyon: Sasquatch Country


Ape Canyon, where the miners were attacked by “apemen.” JORDAN/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

The Sasquatch mythos has caught many in its spell. Refusing to accept claims that Bigfoot sightings are actually black bears or intentional hoaxes, believers continue their search for the hidden primate. California,Oregon, Washington and Canada are dotted with Sasquatch museums and research institutions for those who want to see footprints, photos, and other evidence.

Bigfoot Discovery Museum


Bigfoot Discovery Museum in Felton. INFIDELIC/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

China Flat Museum Bigfoot Collection



Bipedal hairy beasts aren’t confined to the West Coast though. Illinois and Ohio have remarkably high rates of Bigfoot sightings, and Arkansas has its own permutation: the Boggy Creek monster.

The Boggy Creek Monster



Florida has its own version of Bigfoot too. Its presence is announced by the foul odor that earned it its nickname: the Skunk Ape.

Skunk Ape Research Headquarters


A sign directs visitors to “SKUNK APE TERRITORY.” JOHN MOSBAUGH/CC BY 2.0


Ever since sailors first traversed the ocean they have returned with stories of unbelievable creatures emerging from the murky depths. Perhaps it’s because we didn’t (and still don’t) really know what lies beneath the ocean’s surface, a whale or squid could be mistaken for the Leviathan or a Kraken. 

That lore is celebrated in places like Skrímslasetrið, Iceland’s sea monster museum. Maritime history is inextricable from Icelandic identity, which includes many tales of ocean beasts lurking just off the edge of the map.



1590 map of Iceland with sea monsters, all of which are detailed at Iceland’s sea monster museum. AUSTRIAN NATIONAL LIBRARY/PUBLIC DOMAIN

Creature stories also provided a useful explanation for misunderstood natural phenomena. The geyser of Kauai’s Spouting Horn blowhole was originally attributed to a giant lizard monster trapped beneath the rock.

Spouting Horn Blowhole


Spouting Horn Park. GARDEN STATE HIKER/CC BY 2.0

Lakes have their fair share of mystery too. The Loch Ness Monster is the most widely known, but prehistoric serpentine beasts have been reported on almost every continent.

Lake Tele: Home of the Legendary Mokèlé-mbèmbé Monster


A sketch of the Mokèlé-mbèmbé. JEAN-NO/FAL 1.3 

Lake Labynkyr: Home to a Siberian Sea Monster


Lake Labynkyr, purported home of ferocious lake monster. PAUKRUS/CC BY-SA 2.0

Monument to Lake Champlain’s Monster, “Champ”


A statue of “Champ.” COURTESY OF J.W. OCKER

That said, not all sea monsters take the form of slithering water snakes. The Kelpies of Scottish lore are massive demonic horses found in rivers and streams.

The Kelpies


The Kelpies MICHEL CURI/CC BY 2.0


Mermaids are another sea beast, albeit a significantly more alluring version. Much of our modern mythos surrounding mermaids comes from Hans Christian Anderson’s The Little Mermaid, but before the 19th century, mermaids were thought of as the deceptive, even evil sprites, no doubt based on the sirens in Homer’s Odyssey.

Doxey Pool: Home to a Malicious Mermaid


Doxey Pool, where a mermaid named Jenny Greenteeth is said to seduce and drown young men. MICHAEL ELY/CC BY-SA 2.0

The myth of Feejee mermaids was transported to the West from Japan. Travelers saw mummified “mermaids” in shrines like the 1,400-year-old one at the Tenshou-Kyousha Shrine. Allegedly, this mermaid was once a fisherman who trespassed in protected waters and was transformed into a hideous creature as punishment. 

Tenshou-Kyousha Shrine Mermaid Mummy


The ancient mermaid mummy. ATLAS OBSCURA USER JUSTIN ARNOLD

These weird hybrids, crafted from the upper half of a monkey and the bottom half of a fish, may have been inspired by the Japanese kappa, a mischievous water spirit.

Despite the fact that they were nothing like the lovely fishtailed maidens of fairytales, Feejee mermaids (as they came to be called—allegedly brought back from Fiji, not Japan) captured the Western imagination. They were quickly disproved as fakes, yet after P.T. Barnum had one in his famous sideshow, no cabinet of curiosity was complete without one. 

The Banff Mermaid


The Banff mermaid, one of the most famous Feejee mermaids. BANFF LAKE LOUISE/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Hull Mermaid


The Hull Mermaid, one of the oldest Western Feejee mermaids. ATLAS OBSCURA USER KELVIN1084

Feejee Mermaid at the Nature Museum


Closeup of the face of the Feejee Mermaid. COURTESY OF J.W. OCKER


The chimera, another creature of Greek mythology, was said to have the body of a lion, the head of a goat, and a snake for a tail, though today the term is applied to any creature with the body parts of various animals. Nobody does body horror like the Ancient Greeks, whose Minotaur myth (the half-man, half-bull trapped as the protector of the labyrinth) persists to this day.

Labyrinthos Caves: the Minotaur’s Home


A map drawn in 1812 depicts the network of tunnels and caves forming the labyrinth. FRANZ WILHELM SIEBER/PUBLIC DOMAIN

Chimera made their way into American folklore. The Texas Woofus in Dallas is a longhorned pig-legged sheep-bird. Its critics call it pagan, and they may not be so far off the mark.

The Texas Woofus


Re-creation of the Texas Woofus in Fair Park in Dallas. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS/LC-DIG-HIGHSM- 29146 (ONLINE) [P&P]

Another American chimera is the Piasa bird, a mysterious feathered beast painted on a rock in Alton, Illinois. The painting has been there since at least the 1670s, though no one knows its origin.

Piasa Bird: Alton’s Mythical Monster


The elusive Piasa Bird. ATLAS OBSCURA USER MATTB

The chimera best known to Americans is the jackalope, a jackrabbit with the antlers of a buck. Mismatched animals like this abound around the world though, likely because hucksters could prove their existence through falsified taxidermy, or “gaffs.” Still, reports of bunnies with massive horns proliferate in the Southwest and elsewhere.

A “Wolpertinger” at the German Museum of Hunting and Fishing



A “Skvader” at Biologiska Museet


The skvader, a rabbit with the wings of a grouse. ATLAS OBSCURA USER JIBLITE

Not all cryptids and chimera are leporine and sweet though. Some are more sinister, like the Pope Lick Monster, named after the Pope Lick Trestle Bridge it has been sighted beneath. It is said to be a monstrous man-goat hybrid that lures its victims onto the railway trestle.

Pope Lick Trestle Bridge


The Pope Lick Trestle Bridge, which the monster is said to live beneath. DAVID KIDD/CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

The Jersey Devil was another cryptid seen throughoutNew Jersey in the 19th and early 20th century. In 1909 alone, hundreds of people reported seeing an unknown creature flying over the Pine Barrens, a forested area on the Jersey coast. They described it as something like a kangaroo with hooves and leathery bat wings that would let out a terrifying shriek before disappearing from the sky. The Jersey Devil hasn’t been reported in recent years, though its memory is now thoroughly enveloped in New Jersey folklore.

Jersey Devil Display at the Paranormal Museum


Jersey Devil artifacts at the Paranormal Museum. ATLAS OBSCURA USER JANE WEINHARDT

One of America’s more recent cryptids is the Mothman. In November of 1966, numerous people reported seeing a man-like figure with wings spanning upwards of ten feet. Those who saw the creature from their cars reported that its eyes shone red like bicycle reflectors when their headlights hit it. After a local bridge collapsed, killing dozens, Mothman sightings ceased. Conspiracies began to arise. The sightings had all been near the TNT area, a WWII munitions factory, leading some to surmise that the Mothman was a military experiment or an alien visitor. 

The mystery was never solved, though skeptics claim it may have simply been an owl. Nevertheless, the story inspired a book and several films, and Point Pleasantcommemorates its cryptid with a storefront museum as well as a downtown statue.

Mothman Statue


The Mothman Statue in Point Pleasant. OZINOH/CC BY-NC 2.0

Cryptids come from all kinds of sources—misunderstandings of natural phenomena, tall tales, and sometimes, sheer human ingenuity, as with Karachi’s very strange fortune-telling fox woman, Mumtaz Begum. They can become a mascot for the place that claims them, a weird source of pride for the people that live there.

Is there a cryptid lurking in your hometown we should know about? Have your own Feejee mermaid or creepy chimera? Add it to the Atlas!

jueves, 23 de febrero de 2017

Insider Reveals Real Secrets of Area 51 | Mysterious Universe

Are there any alien spacecrafts or aliens at Area 51, the top secret US Air Force base in the Nevada desert? A defense industry insider who claims he has knowledge of what really goes on there says no. Should we believe him? An expert on UFOs says yes and he knows where the spaceships and ETs are actually hidden. Should we believe HIM?

Andre Milne

The "insider" is Andre Milne, founder of the defense technology firm Unicorn Aerospace, a secretive Canadian company that bills itself as “the world’s leading developer of advanced navigation technology.” In a recent interview with, Milne revealed his take on the purpose of Area 51:

Area 51 is a highly secured aerospace facility tasked with a wide variety of objectives to ensure the United States maintains a cutting edge of tactical air superiority against any potential threats.

According to Milne, this means testing next- and next-next-generation experimental and highly-classified fighter planes against Russian fighter jets - testing that was conducted by the 4477th Test and Evaluation Squadron at various locations until it consolidated at Area 51 in July 1990.

That's not exactly news, Mr. Milne. What about the aliens?

The whole alien question being run out of Area 51 is complete nonsense.

So where do we look for the alien spaceships? Milne doesn't say. He may be just as secretive about that as he is about the workings of his company, which are extremely difficult to find. Or he may be too busy looking for a different airship – MH 370, the Malaysian Airlines flight that disappeared on March 8, 2014 - through his global human rights organization, ASOVE.

Jan Harzan

Fortunately, a UFO expert is ready to fill in the missing information about the missing aliens. In another recent interview with Forbes, Jan Harzan, executive director of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), said alien ships and extraterrestrial beings are stored at a secret underground facility - called S4 – built into the base of the Papoose Mountains, in Lincoln County, Nevada, 16 km (10 miles) south of Area 51.

Based on insider information, this is where work on extraterrestrial recovered craft takes place. So when the President, or other officials proudly proclaim that there are no UFOs or aliens at Area 51, they may be technically correct because they are at S4.

If that sounds familiar, S4 is where Bob Lazar claims to have worked on reverse-engineering alien spaceships. In the interview, Harzan supports Lazar's claims. Harzan says 5-10% of the UFO sightings reported to MUFON are likely to be secret military aircraft of the Area 51 kind, while at least some of the rest could be alien ships of the S4 kind. How can we non-insiders and non-experts tell the difference?

Our craft are very angular looking, with external plumbing, seams and protrusions on the body of the craft. Those of extraterrestrial origin are very smooth and integrated with no seams or rivets showing, and no protrusions. At least that's our hypothesis based on what we are seeing.

There you have it. An insider and an expert agree that there are no alien spaceships at Area 51, just secret military planes, and the expert says the real ships and aliens are nearby at S4.

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017

NASA anuncia un extraordinario descubrimiento: ¿Qué sabemos hasta ahora?

La NASA anuncia un extraordinario descubrimiento: ¿Qué sabemos hasta ahora?


Los científicos han anunciado el descubrimiento de un nuevo sistema solar con al menos siete planetas del tamaño de la Tierra.

La Administración Nacional de la Aeronáutica y del Espacio (NASA, por sus siglas en inglés) ha anunciadoeste miércoles en una especial rueda de prensa el descubrimiento de un nuevo sistema solar que se encuentra a tan solo 39 años luz de la Tierra

Los científicos han detallado que al menos siete planetas del tamaño de la Tierra orbitan alrededor de la estrella enana fría conocida como TRAPPIST-1. Los seis planetas interiores se encuentran en una zona templada donde las temperaturas de la superficie varían de cero a 100 grados Celsius.

Asimismo, se cree que al menos tres de estos mundos podrían contar con océanos, lo que aumenta la probabilidad de albergar vida.

Lo que se sabe sobre los planetas descubiertos:

• Tienen entre 0,4 y 1,4 veces la masa de la Tierra.
• En algunos planetas su atmósfera podría ser similar a la atmósfera de la Tierra o Venus.
• El tamaño aproximado de los planetas es similar a la Tierra. 
• La frecuencia con la que dan una vuelta alrededor de la estrella es de un día y medio hasta a 20 días. 
• Los planetas se encuentran mucho más cerca de su estrella que en el sistema solar: si TRAPPIST-1 fuera puesto en el lugar del Sol, todos sus planetas estarían dentro de la órbita de Mercurio. 
• Los planetas se encuentran tan cerca uno del otro que se pueden ver como a la Luna desde la Tierra.


Dado que ningún otro sistema estelar conocido contiene un número tan grande de planetas del tamaño de la Tierra, según la revista 'Nature', este descubrimiento abre nuevas oportunidades para los investigadores del espacio:

"Este sistema va a ser uno de los mejores laboratorios que tenemos para entender la evolución de los planetas pequeños", aseguró Zachory Berta-Thompson, un astrónomo de la Universidad de Colorado en Boulder.Debido a que el sistema está tan cerca de la Tierra, los astrónomos pueden estudiar las atmósferas de los planetas con relativa facilidad. Eso podría revelar una asombrosa diversidad de mundos cubiertos de rocas o de hielo.Los seis planetas interiores probablemente se formaron más lejos de su estrella y luego emigraron hacia el interior. Ahora están tan cerca el uno del otro que sus campos gravitatorios interactúan, empujándose unos a otros de maneras que permitieron al equipo estimar la masa de cada planeta. La disposición de tantos planetas del tamaño de la Tierra tan juntos será una bonanza para los investigadores que están trabajando para comparar cómo evolucionan los mundos, según Michaël Gillon, astrónomo de la Universidad de Lieja en Bélgica.

martes, 21 de febrero de 2017

Mysterious UFO 'the size of Jupiter crashes into sun' captured in bizarre images from Solar Observatory spacecraft

Conspiracy theorists believe the images - of huge transparent group of rings - could prove that giant extra-terrestrial spaceships exist in our solar system.
Conspiracy theorists believe a UFO the size of Jupiter has crashed into the sun.

Bizarre images captured by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft, which is jointly run by Nasa and the European Space Agency, appear to show and object hovering close to the surface.

Russian website describes the UFO as being made up of a transparent group of rings.

But while many believe the ship collided 'by accident', other alien hunters believe the object is actually an extra-terrestrial spaceship using the sun to refuel.
The object is said to be approximately the size of Jupiter, according to the video uploaded by Paranormal Crucible .

When the huge object crashed into the sun, a bright flash of light was generated, although scientists have not offered any explanation for this phenomenon.

At the end of the last year, Nasa images circulated online which conspiracy theorists believed showed alien spacecrafts gathering close to the surface of the sun, and are sucking solar power away.

The pictures seem to show a white spot which is joined towards the sun's surface with a 'connected line'.

One YouTuber StreetCap1 asked the question last week: "Is this a massive UFO feeding off sun energy?" as he uploaded the video footage.
UFO blogger Scott C Waring, who runs the website UFO Sightings Daily added his thoughts on the images too.

He said: "This is definitely a UFO shot out of the sun.
"It may have been using the sun's energy to fuel itself or to recharge in some way, but it's leaving at high speeds."

He also pointed out that the UFO is a somewhat glowing white, but the sun's plasma is yellow.

He added: "This will imply that the craft is made from a different material that is resistant from the sun's surface."

FOTOS: Un extraño 'arcoíris de fuego' ilumina el cielo de Singapur

El raro fenómeno óptico se pudo observar durante 15 minutos desde varias zonas de la isla asiática.

Un inusual resplandor multicolor ha llamado la atención de los habitantes de Singapur este lunes por la tarde. De acuerdo con medios locales, se trató probablemente del fenómeno conocido como 'arcoíris de fuego'. El singular espectáculo se pudo observar durante 15 minutos desde varias zonas de la isla.

Un 'arco iris de fuego' es un fenómeno óptico atmosférico que también se conoce como arco circunhorizontal. "Son halos de hielo formados por la refracción de la luz solar (en ocasiones de luz de la luna) en cristales de hielo en forma de plato suspendidos en la atmósfera", según explica la Agencia Nacional para el Medio Ambiente de Singapur.

Otros, por su parte, consideran que el fenómeno del lunes fue una nube iridiscente, que se produce cuando las gotas de agua o los cristales de hielo dispersan la luz del Sol.

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2017

Two fighter jets intercept London-bound passenger plane over Germany in dramatic footage which 'captures UFO speed past'

his dramatic footage shows the moment two fighters jets intercepted a huge London-bound passenger plane carrying 345 people over Germany.

The German Air Force scrambled two Eurofighter Typhoons to escort the Jet Airways flight after it suddenly cut off radio contact as it flew over the country.

The incident was sparked as the Boeing 777-300 switched radio contact from Bratislava ground control to the Czech capital of Prague.

But now footage released by a commercial pilot on board a trailing British Airways flight has shown something else flying alongside the jets .

Eagle-eyed social media users pointed out a mystery UFO speeding past the three planes - which even appears to be flying at double the speed.

Sharing the footage on Facebook, CirrusPilot explained: "Many commenters have noted that at the 1min 30sec mark of the video there is a small dark object.

"The object is moving faster than the other traffic.

"It originates far to the left of the Euro Fighter and takes a 45 degree angle direction towards the North East of the video shot.

"Perhaps a shadow of another aircraft crossing above."

Flight 9W 118 was carrying 330 passengers and a crew of 15 from Mumbai in India to London Heathrow when the dramatic incident happened.

The plane continued along its planned flight path and, flying close to it, the fighter pilots managed to restore radio contact just north of Nuremberg using emergency channels.

As a precaution, the two Typhoons continued to escort the plane until it made a safe landing at London Heathrow.

A Jet Airways spokesperson confirmed the scare over German skies and announced that the crew of flight 9W-118 has been grounded.

An airline spokesman said: "Contact between Jet Airways flight 9W 118, from Mumbai to London Heathrow, of February 16, 2017, and the local ATC [Air Traffic Control], was briefly lost while flying over German airspace.

"Communication was safely restored within a few minutes. As a precaution, the German Air Force deployed its aircraft to ensure the safety of the flight and its guests. The flight with 330 guests and 15 crew subsequently landed at London without incident.

"Jet Airways has duly reported the matter to the concerned authorities including the DGCA [Directorate General of Civil Aviation]. As part of the standard process, the flight crew of 9W 118 has been de-rostered pending investigation."

sábado, 18 de febrero de 2017

French woman believes she is an alien-human hybrid | Freak Lore - Paranormal and strange news.

A French woman named Lisa believes that she is the offspring from that of a human and alien. A video goes in depth with her friend essentially telling her story on camera. It is one extraordinary tale, whether or not it is true, is up to interpretation. However, the amount of details revealed about her, gives this story some weight. The video by Earth Mystery News has been uploaded on YouTube. This is another example of something strange going on within society.

Many details often get covered up in the media, but there are those seeking answers to unexplained things. Lisa is currently 41 years old and has always felt different. Maybe there is a reason for this, as she actually may be different after all. Are these human alien hybrids being bred and experimented upon in secret? Roughly, about half the population thinks something has been going on. The other half completely doubt that anything has been happening at all.

Lisa speaks only French and very limited English if any at all. She stands 6’3″ and has blonde hair and green colored eyes - making her rather striking to look at. She truly believes she is a part of something extraterrestrial by nature. What is known about hybrids, is that they are the children of humans who have been abducted for various reasons.

Human women have been randomly taken and impregnated by whatever means to produce a hybrid-alien child. The results are phenomenal, as these new hybrid humans have traits from the extraterrestrial as well. It is believed that these hybrid children carry the DNA which lays dormant until such time to change them physically and perhaps mentally as well.

Believed that the human side is far more controlling, the people nearly seamlessly blend into many public places. This includes governmental and expose to crowds walking the streets of cities. In certain moments, especially through the eyes the alien side shows itself in certain moments. Sometimes these moments have been captured on video as well showing a strange gaze as they look upon you. It feels like they are seeing into your soul.

Those who proclaim that they are an alien hybrid such as Lisa, simply feel like they don't belong and often feel out of place. Perhaps the reason for this is, that they are not crazy but actually yearning to return to their alien roots wherever it may be. Reports by those who think they are alien by nature, have been documented by psychologists. More often than not, these people have dreams in other-worldly places that we simply cannot fathom.

Sometimes they have out of body experiences where they drift through the air - levitating into another world and interact with their alien side of existence. Hybrids have reported that they possess different abilities such as being acute to things. They are highly intuitive, able to read the thoughts of others without speaking a single word.

Using their telepathic strength, they can actually read the thoughts of an individual entirely. Lisa feels that she has had experiments do to her and shared what happened with UFO researcher Luigi Vendittelli from Montreal, Canada. This is the first time that Lisa shared her experiences in an interview setting.

The experimentation has been happening for years, across different parts of the world. Whatever alien species this is, has crossbred with humans in hopes to populate the Earth as their new civilization to exist in. The question remains, do they want to co-exist or are they in preparation for a complete take over type scenario?

“I have a reason for being here and it is a little different than other people but I feel there are a lot of people like this. There is something to be done. We need to change things and it’s a very heavy burden to have.”

La CIA publica documentos sobre pirámides y una civilización extinguida en Marte


Entre los documentos de la Inteligencia norteamericana acaban de encontrar una transcripción de un experimento para el que se consultó a un médium.

En enero la Agencia Central de Inteligencia de Estados Unidos, la CIA, publicó en línea más de 12 millones de páginas de documentos desclasificados.

Entre los documentos divulgados, que arrojan algo de luz sobre las actividades de la agencia durante el golpe de Estado de 1973 en Chile, sobre la guerra de Vietnam y la Guerra Fría, se ha encontrado uno que describe un experimento paranormal realizado por la entidad.

El documento titulado 'Investigación de Marte', fechadodel 22 de mayo del 1984, contiene la transcripción de un experimento llevado a cabo por un agente de la CIA junto con un médium.

¿En qué consistió el experimento?

El agente encargado de llevarlo a cabo escribió una fecha y un lugar en un papel, luego metió el papel en un sobre y lo selló. El sobre sellado fue entregado al médium, que fue advertido de que el experimento estaría relacionado con coordenadas geográficas, aunque no se le dieron más especificaciones.

En la nota el agente de la CIA había escrito: "1. Planeta Marte. 2. Tiempo: aproximadamente un millón de años antes de Cristo". Después el agente comunicó unas coordenadas al médium (40,89 grados de latitud norte y 9,55 de longitud oeste) y le pidió que se concentrara en estos datos.

"Tengo una visión oblicua de una pirámide o una forma piramidal… Es muy alta, parece estar situada en un territorio grande y desolado. Es de color amarillento...", empezó a contar lo que veía el médium.

Al ser preguntado sobre la superficie del planeta, el médium respondió que veía "nubes de tormenta oscuras" que podían indicar un "problema geológico".

"Veo unas estructuras megalíticas muy grandes… Imágenes sombrías de personas, muy altas y delgadas… como si hubieran estado allí pero ya no estuvieran... Ya no viven allí".

Las coordenadas indicadas al médium por el agente corresponden a la región marciana de Cydonia Mensae, donde los ufólogos, según 'The Mirror', a menudo detectan "formas piramidales artificiales". Aunque actualmente ellos lo hacen con la ayuda de imágenes de satélite en Google Earth en vez de recurriendo a especialistas en lo paranormal... 

Imagen de la NASA de la región marciana Cydonia Mensae en la que aparece un objeto piramidalNASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

Scientists discover 'super life' forms that could be 50,000 years old in Mexican caves

Scientists discover 'super life' forms that could be 50,000 years old in Mexican caves

'It's simply another illustration of just how completely tough earth life is', says Penelope Boston, head of NASA's Astrobiology Institute

Scientists have discovered life trapped in crystals that could be 50,000 years old in caves in Mexico Penny Boston via AP

Ancient life forms that could be up to 50,000 years old have been found trapped inside crystals in tremndously hot Mexican caves, some as high as cathedrals. 

The bizarre microbes were found dormant in Naica, Mexico, were able to exist by living on minerals such as iron and manganese, said Penelope Boston, head of NASA's Astrobiology Institute which made the discovery.

"It's super life" she said as she presented the discovery at the American Association for the Advancement of Science conference in Boston. 

"It's simply another illustration of just how completely tough earth life is," she said. 

Ms Boston, who revived the microbes both on the site and in a lab, said she is planning on doing more tests. 

The findings are the results of nine years of work and have not yet been published in a scientific journal or been reviewed by peers. 

The scientific team found there were 40 different strains of microbes and some viruses. 

Some are 10 per cent different genetically about as far as humans are from mushrooms, Ms Boston said. 

The Naica caves, in the northern state of Chihuahua, Mexico, are abandoned lead and zinc mines and are half a mile deep. 

Before drilling started by mining companies, the mines had been completely cut off from the outside world.

The mines were so hot that scientists had to wear light versions of space suits with ice packs all over their bodies, which also prevented contamination from the outside world. 

Ms Boston said the team could only work 20 minutes at a time before having to cool down in a room that was about 38C. 

Biologist at the University of South Florida, Norine Noonan, who did not take part in the study but was on a panel when Ms Boston presented her work, said: "Why are we surprised? As a biologist I would say life on earth is extremely tough and extremely versatile." 

The 50,000-year-old microbes are not the oldest form of extreme life. A few years back, a different group of scientists published a study about microbes living in ice and salt that may be half a million years old and still alive.

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2017

They live? Vampires, werewolves & more mythological creatures from the Cryptid Museum

The fascinating photos you see here of the all-too-realistic looking remains of vampires, werewolves, and everyone’s favorite mythological creature Cthulhu, are actually the creations of London-based artist, illustrator, and sculptor Alex CF. Alex’s bizarre cabinets of curiosity are chock full of authentic-looking artifacts that would even make the most skeptical among us question their legitimacy.

At the website for the fictional Merrylin Cryptid Museum Alex tells the story of Thomas Merrilyn—who the artist cleverly refers to as a “Crypto-naturalist, Fringe Zoologist and Xeno -Archeologist.” According to Alex, he has been entrusted with the care and curation of the oddities that were found in the basement of a home in London in 2006. Here’s more on that:

In 2006, a trust was set up to analyze and collate a huge number of wooden crates found sealed in the basement of a London townhouse that was due for demolition. Seemingly untouched since the 1940′s, the crates contained over 5000 specimens of flora and fauna, collected, dissected, and preserved by many forgotten scientists, professors, and explorers of obscure cultures and species. The collection also housed many artifacts of curious origin, fragments of civilizations that once ruled the earth, of ideas and belief systems perhaps better left in the past.

The various mythological “specimens” that were found were attributed to Merrilyn who had traveled the “four corners of the earth” in search of evidence that would help support the existence of dragons, and other types of oddities such as goblins and a preserved baby werewolf. The backstory on each discovery is so detailed it seems a shame to debunk it. The same goes for the “specimens” and “artifacts” that Alex has created which are so impeccable that they almost seem to demand you believe in them. There are over 50 categories of specimens on virtual display over at the Cryptid Museum that will leave you scratching your head and perhaps reconsidering the idea that werewolves aren’t real. I’ve included a stellar array of Alex CF’s incredibly imaginative work for you to check out below. Though they are pieces of art, much of what follows is NSFW. 

Cthulhu specimens and artifacts.

The remains and artifacts attributed to Rasputin, the mystical advisor to Czar Nicholas II of Russia.

The mummified remains of Maria Rosenthal who conceived a child via immaculate conception in 1942 by Sister Josephine Rosenthal.

A vial Maria Rosenthal’s blood held within a glass vessel and a gold leaf case containing a lock of her hair.

A Wraith hunting case. A Wraith is a mutated version of the Vampyrus strain, its origins are unknown.

A closer look at a syringe from the Wraith hunting case.

Mayan artifacts and specimens.

The partially dissected body of a newborn vampyr, and skull fragments of an adult.

The remains of human/animal hybrids.

More specimens of human/animal hybrids.

Another up-close shot of the remains of human/animal hybrids.

A preserved baby werewolf.

Hallan materiales extraterrestres en Irán

Un grupo de investigadores rusos estudia 70 muestras recogidas en un desierto del oriente del país.

Unos 13 kilogramos de materiales de origen extraterrestre cuyas propiedades son parecidas a las de los meteoritos han sido descubiertos por un grupo de investigadores rusos en un desierto iraní. El hallazgo se debe a cuatro geólogos de la Universidad Federal de los Urales que recogieron un importante número de fragmentos en el desierto de Lut –al este del país–, informa el canal Vesti.

Los investigadores creen que un 80% de las muestras recogidas son fragmentos de meteoritos, cuyo material se conservó bien gracias a la aridez y las peculiaridades del terreno. Algunos de los fragmentos (al menos 10 de las 70 muestras) pertenecen a un único tipo de material, por lo cual podrían haber formado parte de una lluvia de aquellos cuerpos celestes.

El director científico del grupo, Víktor Grojovski, ha explicado que todas las muestras han sido medidas y catalogadas. Los investigadores están evaluando su edad y el momento que se separaron del cuerpo matriz. El geólogo en jefe cree que los materiales son coetáneos del Sistema Solar y tienen unos 4.500 millones de años.

Una parte de los hallazgos ha sido entregada a la Universidad Shahid Bahonar de Kerman, ubicada en el este de Irán y otra ha sido trasladada a Rusia.

Grojovski, que es miembro del comité de meteoritos de la Academia Rusa de Ciencias, fue reconocido por la revista 'Nature' como una de las diez personas más destacadas de 2013 por su estudio del bólido de Cheliabinsk, que cayó en Siberia el 15 de febrero de aquel año sembrando el pánico.

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2017

Revelan profético ensayo de Churchill sobre la vida en otros planetas

Casi 80 años después, muchas de la ideas del político británico siguen siendo motivo de estudio para la astrofísica moderna.

Historiadores estadounidenses han hecho público un artículo inédito del ex primer ministro del Reino Unido, Winston Churchill, acerca de la existencia de vida en otros planetas. El ensayo titulado '¿Estamos solos en el Universo?' y escrito a finales de 1939, fue descubierto en mayo del 2016 y entregado al astrofísico americanoisraelí, Mario Livio, quien reveló su contenido en un apartado de la revista 'Nature'.

Según Livio, además de ser uno de los políticos más influyentes del siglo XX, Churchill era un apasionado por la ciencia y tecnología. Fue el primer mandatario que contó con un asesor en ciencia y se le atribuyen varios escritos sobre la evolución, la célula y la física nuclear. Sin embargo, el reciente descubrimiento ha sorprendido a los expertos, porque muchas de la ideas del político británico, pese a la época, siguen siendo motivo de estudio para la astrofísica moderna.

No somos los únicos

Churchill, apoyaba la idea de que los seres humanos no somos los únicos seres vivos en el universo, y considerando al agua como parte esencial para la vida, opinaba que la presencia del líquido debe guiar la búsqueda de vida extraterrestre en otros planetas.

Exoperador del robot Lunojod a RT: "¿Quién dijo que EE.UU. no pisó la Luna? Nosotros lo vimos todo"

En este sentido, definió lo que hoy se conoce como 'zona de habitabilidad' (región alrededor de una estrella que por sus condiciones de temperatura y luminosidad permitan la presencia de agua) llegando a la conclusión de que en el Sistema Solar Venus y Marte podrían albergar vida,porque son los únicos que cumplen las condiciones necesarias.

Más allá del Sistema Solar

El ensayo evalúa la probabilidad de la existencia de vida fuera de nuestro sistema planetario y señala que "el Sol no es más que una estrella en nuestra galaxia, la cual contiene varios miles de millones de otras estrellas". Churchill asumía que existen planetas con el tamaño suficiente y ubicados a la distancia necesaria de su estrella como para albergar agua en su interior. Cabe destacar que sus observaciones surgen décadas antes de que se descubriera el primero de los miles de exoplanetas ya conocidos.

Churchill no descartaba la posibilidad de los viajes espaciales en aquel entonces y las complicaciones a nivel de comunicación que esto conlleva. "Un día, incluso en un futuro no muy lejano, será posible viajar a la Luna, o incluso a Venus o Marte", expresaba.

Con qué se enfrentó la Unión Soviética al ver la cara oculta de la Luna

Ideas proféticas

Finalmente, el astrofísico destaca el pensamiento del líder británico, ya que casi 80 años después, la búsqueda de signos de vida en la superficie de Marte está en curso, las simulaciones climáticas en Venus apuntan a que pudo haber sido habitable y los astrónomos piensan que en unas pocas décadas se descubrirán rastros de vida en planetas extrasolares. Sin olvidar que el hombre ya pisó la Luna.

"El ensayo de Churchill es testimonio de la importancia de los frutos de la ciencia y la tecnología para el desarrollo de la sociedad", concluye Livio. 

Fin a la especulación sobre ovnis: Marina de EE.UU. confirma pruebas del Trident II

Un raro fenómeno que se produjo el martes en el cielo del estado de California fue confundido inicialmente por los habitantes de la zona con un caso de avistamiento de ovnis.

La Marina de EE.UU. ha confirmado el lanzamiento de dos misiles Trident II desde submarinos cerca de la costa del estado de California después de que unos residentes locales observaran el pasado martes un resplandor misterioso en el cielo, que originó numerosas especulaciones sobre un posible avisamiento de ovnis.

"Los Programas de Sistemas Estratégicos de la Marina han llevado a cabo unas pruebas de vuelos de misiles Trident II (D5) en el mar desde un submarino de clase Ohio SSBN, en el Campo de Pruebas del Pacífico situado cerca de las costas de California", reza el comunicado de la Marina de EE.UU. citado por la cadena CBS.

"Todas las pruebas de vuelos de misiles fueron realizadas desde el mar, todos volaron sobre el mar y cayeron en el mar. Los misiles no volaron en ningún momento sobre tierra", sigue el comunicado. "Todos ellos se rastrean desde numerosas fuentes desde el momento de su lanzamiento hasta su impacto en el océano. Los misiles no estaban armados", precisa el documento.

Antes de que la Marina aclarara las causas de este raro fenómeno en el cielo de California, las imágenes del misterioso resplandor se propagaron por las redes sociales provocando numerosas especulaciones sobre un supuesto avistamiento de ovnis.

El portavoz de la Marina estadounidense, John Daniels, ha explicado a los medios locales que lo más probable es que el enigmático espectáculo se produjera durante la primera etapa del lanzamiento, que dura un minuto, o durante su segunda etapa.

El Trident II D5 es un misil balístico intercontinental diseñado para ser lanzado desde sumergibles. Según elsitio web del fabricante, el consorcio Lockheed Martin, estos mortíferos proyectiles tienen un alcance de más de 7.360 kilómetros y pueden portar múltiples ojivas nucleares con las modificaciones W76 (con un potencial destructivo de 100 kilotones) o W88 (de 475 kilotones) y alcanzar a varios objetivos a la vez.

lunes, 13 de febrero de 2017

Científicos: los pulpos tienen un ADN "extraterrestre"

Científicos: los pulpos tienen un ADN "extraterrestre"

Tras secuenciar el genoma de los pulpos, biólogos de la Universidad de Chigago han concluido que no pueden ser comparados con ningún otro animal del planeta.

El ADN del pulpo podría ser de otro mundo, según los resultados de la primera secuenciación del genoma de este animal, publicada en la revista Nature.

El estudio indica que los pulpos tienen un genoma cuya complejidad no tiene precedentes en el reino animal. Se determinó que los cefalópodos cuentan con más de 33.000 genes codificadores de proteínas, un número mucho mayor que los presentes en el ser humano.

"El pulpo parece ser completamente diferente a todos los demás animales, incluso a los otros moluscos, con sus ocho brazos prensiles, su gran cerebro y sus ingeniosas capacidades de resolución de problemas", explica en uncomunicado Clifton Ragsdale, coautor del estudio y profesor asociado de Neurobiología, Biología de Organismos y Anatomía de la Universidad de Chicago (EE.UU.).

"El difunto zoólogo británico Martin Wells decía que el pulpo es un extraterrestre. En este sentido, entonces, nuestro artículo describe el primer genoma secuenciado de un extraterrestre", continúa Ragsdale.

El estudio concluye con más enigmas que respuestas acerca del genoma de los pulpos, en el cual sobresale una elevada presencia de transposones, también conocidos como 'genes saltarines'. Estos genes pueden reorganizarse por sí mismos en el genoma, pero su función en los pulpos es aun incierta.

lunes, 6 de febrero de 2017

La cámara secreta inaccesible: ¿Qué ocultan los presidentes de EE.UU. del monte Rushmore? 

La cámara secreta inaccesible: ¿Qué ocultan los presidentes de EE.UU. del monte Rushmore? (FOTOS)

Publicado: 6 Feb 2017 | 21:46 GMT

National Park Service

Este monumento de Dakota del Sur es uno de los lugares más conocidos de EE.UU., pero guarda un enigma en sus entrañas.

El monte Rushmore, un conjunto escultórico de rocas ubicado en Keystone (Dakota del Sur, Estados Unidos), contiene un secreto oculto. Así, detrás de los rostros de 18 metros de altura de los presidentes norteamericanos George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt y Abraham Lincoln existe una cámara secretaexcavada en la roca.

National Park Service

El Servicio de Parques Nacionales de EE.UU. ha publicado las imágenes de la estancia que el escultor de ese monumento nacional, Gutzon Borglum, escondió detrás de la representación de los difuntos mandatarios.

National Park Service

Esta Sala de Actas se encuentra detrás de la cabeza de Lincoln y guarda diferentes documentos históricos de EE.UU. Además, 16 tableros con esmalte de porcelana explican el proceso de construcicón del lugar y los motivos para elegir a esos cuatro mandatarios, entre otros asuntos.

National Park Service

Borglum concibió esta cámara en los años 30 del siglo XX, pero su proyecto se paralizó y solo en 1998 se recuperó su idea de grabar la crónica de la historia estadounidense en esta sala.

National Park Service

Este entorno no tiene el diseño inicial ideado por Gutzor Borglum que, entre otros planes, deseaba tallar los momentos más destacados de la historia de EE.UU. Además, los turistas pueden acceder al depósito histórico, pero certificará los orígenes del monte Rushmore durante miles de años.

Licencia de Creative Commons
El Misterio del Meteorito de Carancas by HERWARTH RONALD MORALES CHUMACERO is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License.
Creado a partir de la obra en El Misterio del Meteorito de Carancas.