sábado, 28 de octubre de 2017

Nazca Lines created to attract ALIENS to Peru


THE famous Nazca Lines in Peru were created to attract ancient aliens, according to a new theory.


Nazca Lines created to attract ALIENS

The mysterious white lines in Peru are believed to have been drawn as far back as 500BC.

A series of geoglyphs, the large design on the ground depicts many different animals and creatures such as fish, monkeys and even human-like figures.

They are located 400km south of the Peruvian capital, Lima, and were believed to have been drawn by the Nazca civilisation which inhabited Peru from around 500BC to 200BC.

There are believed to be over 800 straight lines, 300 geometric designs and 70 animal and plant designs – some of which are up to 370 metres long.


The Nazca Lines are found in Peru

Experts are unsure as to what the purpose of the designs are, but conspiracy theorsits have stepped in and given their opinions.

According to website Ranker, the designs were created to attract aliens and were made big enough so that extraterrestrials could see them from space.

The website said: “The Nazca Lines were created to attract extraterrestrials.


No one is sure of the purpose of the Nazca Lines

Most mysterious places on the planet

Thu, February 16, 2017

Bermuda Triangle, Area 51 and the Nazca lines in Peru, these are the mysterious places on earth that no one can explain.


1 of 12

Stonehenge - England - One of the oldest and best preserved prehistoric monuments in the world is a mystery because we don't how or why it was built [Getty Images]

“The patterns include clear images of fish, monkeys, spiders, and even humanoids – all of which are only visible from the air. The shapes also include dozens of long, straight lines. 

“These designs are clearly man-made and are only recognisable from high-above, most likely to signal extraterrestrials.”

To add more fuel to this conspiracy, earlier this year several bodies , which included a three-fingered corpse, were reportedly found in a tomb near the Nazca Lines and it was thought by some researchers they could be a newly undiscovered species or even aliens.


They could be a symbol to the Nazca Gods

However, in a blow to people hoping for proof of alien visitations of Earth, the samples were concluded to be a 100 percent match to human DNA.

Some argue the Nazca lines probably stem from ritualistic behaviour such as making the drawings big enough so that their Gods could see them from the heavens.

Others say they were designed to help navigate the largely landmark-less desert.

Yamagata University experts believe this geoglyph was created as a decorative path that guided Nazca’s to the ancient ceremonial centre of Cahuachi, where rituals and burials took place.

jueves, 26 de octubre de 2017

Dos asteroides se aproximarán hoy a la Tierra con un minuto de diferencia: ¿estamos en peligro?


La NASA analizó su trayectoria y definió su paso como "cercano" al planeta.

La noche de este jueves será especial debido al paso de dos asteroides cerca de la Tierra, con la particularidad de que lo harán con solamente un minuto de diferencia.

Según detalló la NASA, el primero en aproximarse será el2017 TL4, que lo hará a las 20:47 UTC. Se trata de un asteroide de 81 metros de diámetro, publicó el diario 'Daily Star'. Solo un minuto después será el turno del2017 UG3, cuyo diámetro estimado es de 22 metros.

Revelan un plan que podría salvar a la Tierra de catastróficos impactos de asteroides

Aunque los especialistas explicaron que el paso de ambos representará una "aproximación cercana" al planeta, aclararon que no suponen ningún tipo de peligro,ya que pasarán a más de 4.608.000 kilómetros de distancia.

Los últimos antecedentes

Los de esta noche no serán los primeros asteroides que se acercan a nuestro planeta este mes, ya que el día 20 la roca denominada 2017 TD6 pasó a unos 191.000 kilómetros de distancia; mientras que el 12 de octubre, el2012 TC4 estuvo a unos 42.000 kilómetros.

No obstante, los científicos explicaron que el paso de estos asteroides no representa un peligro, ya que, según las estimaciones, ninguna roca debería impactar contra el planeta en los próximos 100 años.

miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2017

Discovery of 1,700-year-old 'Mummified Aliens' in Peru's Nazca is NOT A HOAX, claims scientist

These aliens were three-fingered humanoids, which clearly mean they are non-human

The controversial discovery of five mummified aliens in Peru's Nazca made by Mexican UFOlogist Jaime Maussan is now claimed to be real.

Skeletal specialist Dr Edson Vivanco stated that the remains of these extra-terrestrial mummies were real and he described them to be "non-human beings".

"There are lots of details that indicate that the bodies are real. To recreate a skull with these characteristics is a very difficult task," Vivanco said, according to a report by Express.

Vivanco has even claimed that he would be the first one to report it if the corpses were fake.

These aliens were three-fingered humanoids, which clearly mean they were non-human. According to Maussan, these bizarre alien corpses possessed features which were like that of the reptiles.

New Alien Mummy Discovered In Peru Near Nazca Lines? - ORGANIC AND HEALTHY https://t.co/2EPED5Xpkm

— emastiffs (@emastiffs) June 26, 2017

These alien mummies were unearthed in June this year. According to ancient alien believers, this is one of the most crucial finding of the 21st century but many scientists and others accused this to be a hoax.

Initially, Nigel Watson, a British UFO researcher had accused Maussan of coming up with a money-making stunt and he even said that it is 110 percent fake, a report by Inquisitr revealed.

Even the World Congress of Mummy Studies claimed this finding to be fake.

"Right now, we are studying the evidence. And so far, we haven't found anything to say it is a fraud, or that the bodies have been modified or altered in any way. We have lots of evidence that sets us on the path to prove that this is real," Vivanco.

"For example, regarding the internal structure of the skull we can find the parietal sutures, occipital sutures, frontal sutures, and other anatomical characteristics that indicate it's a real skull," he added.

"For example regarding the internal structure of the skull we can find the parietal sutures, occipital sutres, frontal sutures, and other anatomical characteristics that indicate it's a real skull.

lunes, 23 de octubre de 2017

Multiple Residents Witness UFO Over Queensland, Australia



Undeniably, UFO’s and ET’s have taken many minds by storm, and for good reason! This is a subject with the power to change our world as we know it in SO many ways and humanity is becoming increasingly more ready to explore this subject.

So what do UFO sightings do for this subject of conversation? They provide just that, a conversation. A chance to expand our minds and consciousness further as we imagine beyond our everyday accepted reality. As we explore the potential of what these objects and the intelligence that may control them means, we expand the way we think of ourselves and our world, effectively shifting our consciousness.

Given the mass consciousness shift we’re experiencing on this planet right now, this fits right in.

There have been a ton of new sightings over the past couple years, you can see them here, but this one is a bit older. We’re going to look at it as it’s quite fascinating.

The UFO Sighting

It was a regular night in Queensland Australia when witness and filmer Jack Purcell’s mother pointed out the lights in the sky to him.

“We were all just sitting out the front and my mum pointed to the sky and said ‘look at that colourful plane flying over’,” Purcell 

“Then it came to a sudden stop and was just hovering there. So I ran inside and grabbed my video camera.”

Purcell stated that when when the police tried to ‘call it in’ with a police helicopter the unidentified object would turn its lights off and disappear.


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“It was really strange. I was quite skeptical of these things but it just blew my mind.”

This is what Jack wrote about what he saw as he posted his video to YouTube: “Ok so I’m pretty sure I’ve captured a UFO on camera. Early last night we saw flashing lights in the sky and I ran and got my camera to record it. The cops came straight away and told everyone that they had no idea what it was and they were going to “call it in”. When I ran inside to get my phone, everyone said that they saw another huge light twice it’s size zoom across the sky and disappear. At the end of this video, I slowed the footage down and stabilized it and you can clearly see that it’s a giant triangle with flashing lights. after I finished recording, it zipped down really quickly and vanished. so weird. sorry about the shaky footage, it was filmed on my handheld camera.”


This video was of course met with skepticism and most people thought it was a drone. This was the first thing I began to research when writing this as well. Being a Phantom drone owner, I know what they look like, how they function and the color and pattern of the flash on the lights. I knew this couldn’t be stock settings as a stock drone does not look like that in the sky at all. The video I did find ofaftermarket lights for Phantom’s still doesn’t come close to resembling this pattern. So to me, the drone explanation doesn’t work yet.

Jack states in response to people asking if this was a radio controlled device: “For those saying that it could be an RC craft or ‘quad-copter’, keep in mind that this thing was at least four times the size of the police helicopters that flew by. It’s also the shape of a giant triangle, as you can easily see in 720p if you pause directly on 4:15. This thing was also flying with the point of the triangle facing behind it, which is extremely odd in terms of aerodynamics. If somebody can make a remote controlled object that big, and fly it around like this, then make it vanish like it did, i would like to see the video.”

This leads to one of the challenges with deducing truth from any video like this. Often times seeing the footage second hand, i.e. not being there, doesn’t allow us to know things like size, height, what it looked like to the naked eye. Jack is stating what he saw, but ‘expert commenters’ online believe they know the truth based on what they see second hand. Typically this is where intelligent conversations around what these things might actually be ends. But I hope to change that by inspiring us to truly think critically about this versus just trying to brush things off with a cheap explanation.

We must realize that the evidence for UFO’s and ET’s goes so much further beyond YouTube and Facebook. The denial culture is truly one we must begin to look at to realize what is actually happening out there. A great place to start is thegroundbreaking documentary called Unacknowledged which you can find on Netflix.

Gold Coast Police admitted they were notified about the flying object but believed it was likely a radio controlled device. A spokesman from the department added : “If it was anything larger it would have been picked up by the air control radars.”

Or would it have? That’s assuming our detection technologies would undeniably pick up the flying object.

domingo, 22 de octubre de 2017

Proponen otra razón por la que todavía no hemos contactado con extraterrestres

Un científico del Instituto de Investigación del Sureste, en Colorado, asegura que lo que puede estar retrasando nuestro contacto con civilizaciones alienígenas es la enorme cantidad de hielo en los mares de otros planetas.

Se llama Alan Stern y, según su teoría, la mayoría de las criaturas extraterrestres se encuentran en lo más profundo de sus planetas, en los océanos subterráneos cubiertos de agua helada, y no en la superficie.


La teoría que podría explicar nuestra soledad en el Universo

La teoría fue presentada en el 2017 durante una reunión de la División de Ciencias Planetarias de la Sociedad Americana de Astronomía en Utah (Estados Unidos) y ha sido publicada en Guidebook.

La presencia de océanos en el sistema solar es algo sobre lo que los astrónomos han comenzado a prestar atención hace relativamente poco. Existen océanos, por ejemplo, en las lunas de Júpiter, Saturno, Neptuno y Plutón. Esos océanos están congelados, pero bajo la corteza planetaria el agua está en estado líquido. Sus corrientes podrían transportar nutrientes que formasen ecosistemas parecidos a los que existen en lo más profundo de los océanos del planeta Tierra.

La teoría de Stern coincide con la conocida como 'paradoja de Fermi', que expone la contradicción de que existan miles de universos que alberguen vida inteligente y que aun así la humanidad todavía no haya sido capaz de ponerse en contacto con ellos.


La idea es, según Douglas Vakoch, presidente del METI (Mensajes a Extraterrestres Inteligentes) de San Francisco —una organización que investiga las posibilidades de contactar con otras civilizaciones—, intrigante, aunque reconoce que no tiene por qué venir a corroborar la paradoja de Fermi. En su opinión, la vida en otros planetas es difícil de detectar a distancia porque se necesitan mejores telescopios y tecnología más avanzada.

Stern lo tiene claro: si no hemos sido nosotros quienes los hemos encontrado, es porque han decidido que comunicarse a larga distancia no vale la pena, sobre todo si están atrapados en pequeños mundos helados. 

domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017

Un satélite soviético de 1,5 toneladas podría caer a la Tierra a finales de octubre


Las estimaciones sobre la posible caída son documentadas en el sitio SatFlare, que permite rastrear en tiempo real todos los satélites que orbitan la Tierra.

El satélite artificial soviético Mólniya 1-44 ingresará a la atmósfera de la Tierra en las próximas dos semanas y podría caer en nuestro planeta el 25 de octubre (con una variación posible de 84 horas), según los datos presentados en la web de SatFlare, un proyecto que se ocupa del seguimiento de satélites.

Se prevé que al penetrar en la atmósfera terrestre, el satélite, que pesa unas 1,5 toneladas, no se quemará totalmente, por lo que algunas de sus piezas posiblemente caerán en la superficie de nuestro planeta.

Por el momento no hay datos concretos sobre el lugar donde esto podría ocurrir, sin embargo se cuenta con la proyección de la órbita del satélite, que podría proporcionar una noción del sitio donde se producirá la caída.

Según la proyección de su órbita, la trayectoria del satélite pasa sobre Canadá, EE.UU., Brasil, Indonesia y Japón entre otros.

Proyección de la órbita del satélite Mólniya 1 /satflare.com

La web de SatFlare permite rastrear en tiempo real todos los satélites que orbitan la Tierra, con representaciones interactivas 2D y 3D, predecir sus trayectorias en un mapa interactivo, así como encontrar la mejor ubicación para ver estos eventos en un mapa detallado de Google.

El Mólniya 1-44 es un satélite de comunicación utilizado por la Unión Soviética, que fue lanzado en el año 1979.


martes, 3 de octubre de 2017

Un asteroide descubierto el 24 de septiembre pasa entre la Tierra y la Luna

La distancia mínima entre el gigante cuerpo rocoso identificado pocos días antes de su paso y nuestro planeta fue casi 3 veces inferior que la que separa la Tierra y la Luna.

Un meteoro surca el cielo de Virginia Occidental durante la lluvia anual de meteoros de las Perséidas, el 12 de agosto de 2016.

NASA / Bill Ingalls

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Un asteroide del tamaño de un autobús pasó relativamente cerca de la Tierra el lunes el 2 de octubre. Así lo ha informado el Centro de Estudios de Objetos Cercanos de la NASA (CNEOS, por sus siglas en inglés), con sede en el Laboratorio de Propulsión a Reacción, cerca de Los Ángeles (EE.UU.).

El cuerpo rocoso, denominado 2017 SX17, tiene un diámetro de entre 6,3 y 14 metros y llegó a situarse a una distancia de la Tierra de 87.000 de kilómetros. El asteroide pasó entre nuestro planeta y la Luna, cuya órbita se encuentra a 384.000 kilómetros de la Tierra, publica el portal de CNEOS.

El 2017 SX17 fue descubierto el pasado 24 de septiembre y, según calculan los científicos, tarda 467 días en dar una vuelta alrededor del Sol.

Los especialistas de la NASA siguen ahora con mucho interés otro asteroide, el 2012 TC4. Es más grande (con un diámetro de 12 a 27 metros) y pasará a una distancia más corta de la Tierra ―43.500 kilómetros― el próximo 12 de octubre. Y es similar al que cayó en inmediaciones de la ciudad rusa de Cheliábinsk en febrero de 2013, el cual contaba con unos 19 metros de diámetro.

Licencia de Creative Commons
El Misterio del Meteorito de Carancas by HERWARTH RONALD MORALES CHUMACERO is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License.
Creado a partir de la obra en El Misterio del Meteorito de Carancas.