domingo, 22 de enero de 2017

CIA releases millions of documents, sparking fresh alien speculation

Last week the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) released 13 million previously classified Top Secret documents, including detailed investigations of UFO activity.

Available now via the CIA online library, the declassified documents include reports on: investigations into UFOs; top secret cables from government executives; the agency's behaviour control program, MK-ULTRA; and reports from experiments carried out with renowned TV psychic and 'spoon bender', Uri Geller.

While many of the reports have sensitive information blacked out, there is still a surprising amount of detail that outlines events, locations and people.

Little grey men

UFO conspiracy theorists have long held that governments around the world are covering up evidence of the existence of aliens and UFOs, and even collaborating in secret with beings from another planet.

Ideas such as this entered the public mind decades ago, with the supposed crash landing of a UFO at Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.
Legend has it the US Air Force moved the crashed flying saucer and its occupants to a testing facility near Groom Lake, called Area 51 - a site the US government has denied existed until 2013.

Stories like this were then popularised in the 1990s, in television series like The X-Files - a science-fiction drama where FBI Special Agents Fox 'Spooky' Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) investigate unsolved cases of a paranormal nature, with UFOs, aliens and government conspiracies playing the central role in the series.

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El Misterio del Meteorito de Carancas by HERWARTH RONALD MORALES CHUMACERO is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional License.
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