sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2016

Alien Debate has Started for the Identity of the Flying Object Crossing the Supermoon

Alien Debate has Started for the Identity of the Flying Object Crossing the Supermoon

From Peru to Colorado, 2016 sightings continue to haunt NASA and excite onlookers and UFO enthusiasts, as alien spaceships cross the skies from time to time. The recent November Supermoon, which is the largest in a long time, may have its share of alien sightings, in time when all eyes are locked to the spectacular view.

Are they really extraterrestrial or just the usual things flying in mid air? On November 13, when the Beaver moon supermoon had its peak, an unidentified flying object (UFO) came whizzing by halfway down the big moon.

As Daily Star reports, the flying object crossed the moon, seemingly undisturbed with the attention it already caught. UFO enthusiasts quickly concluded it to be another alien spaceship sighting and while some think it's only a bird flying past the moon.

Now what they call "alien debate" has already emerged in a report from Daily Express because of the increasing frequency of UFO sightings these past few weeks. Although there is no confirmation from NASA regarding those incidents, the "cover up" they recently released after a live streaming from International Space Station caught another extraterrestrial hovering over the satellite.

If there is indeed aliens, and the sightings and links to it are being covered by the experts, then what is the reason to make all the proof of alien life confidential to the public? It is not only now that these are happening and the mystery of it is what hinders the truth and allow human beings to discover their "neighbors" as well.

At this present day and technology, imagination and optical illusions are not at all acceptable explanations because there are ways to know if the eyes are deceiving, like recording the exact event or to use special kind of gadgets to confirm the object in question.

In the emergence of dash cams and go pro, every move in the sky can be recorded, observed like the experts usually do for their living, but in this case, the onlookers are need not to "cover up". Source: enstarz

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